
Mammals or lactating animals are a group of vertebrate animals that nurse their young. Phylogenetically, mammals are derived from monotremes and therian mammals.

A characteristic feature of mammals is the presence of mammary glands in females that provide food/drink for their offspring. Additionally, mammals have fur or hair and are warm-blooded (endothermic).

Mammals Diversity 2011 – CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons

In Ujung Kulon National Park, there are about 30 species of mammals, including:

  • Ungulate mammals like rhinos, banteng, deer, muntjacs, mouse deer, and wild boars.
  • Predator mammals such as leopards, wild dogs, clouded leopards, civets, and wildcats.
  • Small mammals like flying squirrels, porcupines, ground squirrels, bats, otters, rats, pangolins, and shrews.
  • Primates include two endemic species, the Gibbons and Surili, along with other species like the Crested Lutung, Slow Loris, and Long-tailed Macaques.



Linnaeus, 1758


Most mammals give birth to their offspring, but some, like monotremes, lay eggs. Birth also occurs in many non-mammalian species, such as guppies and hammerhead sharks, so giving birth is not considered a unique characteristic of mammals. Similarly, the endothermic trait is also found in birds.

Common Ancestry

Monotremes do not have nipples but still possess mammary glands, meaning they qualify as mammals. Recent taxonomies often emphasize common ancestry. Diagnostic characteristics are very useful for identifying the origins of an organism. If any member of the Cetacea lacks mammalian characteristics, it is still considered a mammal due to its shared ancestry with other mammals.

Hearing in Mammals

Mammals have three auditory bones in each ear and one bone (dentary) in each side of the lower jaw. Other vertebrates with ears typically have only one auditory bone (the stapes) in each ear and at least three bones on each side of the jaw.

Lactating animals have an integument composed of three layers: the outermost is the epidermis, the middle is the dermis, and the innermost is the hypodermis. The epidermis usually consists of 30 layers of cells that function as a waterproof barrier.

The outermost cells of the epidermis often shed, while the innermost part divides, pushing the daughter cells upward. The dermis is 15 to 40 times thicker than the epidermis and contains various components such as blood vessels and glands. The hypodermis consists of adipose tissue and serves to store fat, provide cushioning, and insulate. The thickness of this layer varies among species.

List of Mammals in Ujung Kulon

Here’s a list of mammals found in Ujung Kulon National Park:

NoLocal NameLatin NameEnglish Name
1.Badak JawaRhinoceros sondaicusJavan rhinoceros
2.BantengBos javanicusWild buffalos
3.RusaCervus timorensisDeer
4.KijangMuntiacus MuncakBarking deer
5.KancilTragulus javanicusMouse deer
6.Macan TutulPanthera pardusLeopard
7.Macan DahanNeofelis nebulosaClouded leopard
8.Kucing BakauFelis viverrinaFishing cat
9.Kucing HutanFelis bengalensisLeopard cat
10.Anjing HutanCuon alpinusRed dog/Wild dog
11.Babi HutanSus crofa vitalusWild pig
12.MusangVivericula malaceasisJavan civet
13.LuwakParadoxurus hermaproditusPalm civet
14.Musang PohonAntogalidia triverdataYellow civet
15.BinturongArctitis binturongBear cat
16.GanggaranganHerpectes javanivusJavan mangoose
17.JeralangRatufa bicolorBlak giant squerrel
18.LandakHystrix javanicaJavan parcupinae
19.BajingCallosciurus notatusCommon coconut squirrel
20.Tupai TanahTupaia glisCommon tree squirrel
21.Tupai KekesTupaia javanicaSmall tree shew
22.TrenggilingManis javanicusScaly ant eater
23.Tikus rumahRattus rattusHouse rat
24.Tikus pohonRattus suriverCollared field rat
25.TandoCynocephalus variegatusFlying lemur
26.KalongPterovus vampirusFlying fox
27.KampretHipposideros larvatusJavan leaf nosed bat
28.Bajing TerbangPetaurista elegansFlying squirrel
29.Monyet/keraMacac fascicularisCrab eaten macaque
30.LutungTracypithecas auratusSilvered leaf makey
31.SuriliPresbytiscomataSilvered leaf mankey
32.Owa JawaHylobates molochJava leaf mankey
33.KukangNycticebus coucangSlow loris